Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sophia MacLaren Spurdle

So these two really close family friends of mine ended up getting together awhile ago and they made a baby. I was real excited to see it during my visit because babies are cool and weird and they're supposed to smell like puppies. It was also exciting because I really love the people who made it.

Holding babies is odd. I am big. They are small. I am not sure how I'm supposed to hold them particularly in front of their parents. I was afraid they were gonna be like "you're doing it wrong.. stop hurting my baby" etc.. Are they fragile or resilient? Anyway this little girl was not in the best of moods when I was holding her. She seemed generally pissed off and squirmy. She would crab at me and shift around erratically (which would be a disease if she was bigger). All of a sudden I feel this rumble and a horrid smell followed. I heard babies weren't supposed to stink because they only eat what nature intended and that their little systems are built for digesting it. Wrong. This kid dropped a bomb that would make your favorite uncle's eyes water, and right after she did she broke out the biggest smile. I tried not to take it personally but the way she smiled seemed sly and slightly evil (which I found completely endearing). This photo caught me right in the process of handing her back to her mom.

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